Saturday, 8 September 2012

Ever tried changing your email

I was just trying to post a blog, or have a look at the blog thinking that I have not done anything on this for some time, and then bingo, I have changed my email, opened new accounts in gmail and tried to be more effective in my cloud based computing, trying to get more with the programme and what do you know, and hour later and I finally have it, what I am not sure, but I have a couple go google accounts, not sure which does what and how I get in to each but what do you know,here I am back in blogoshphere. That's what happens when you don'e keep up with all of these things that you start and when life changes a bit and you want to get back into them then hey, there's a learning curve again - so is it all worthwhile or is it just some more time wasting - who knows, its sort of fun until you come across this whole new problem and sort of have to relearn, when you are of an age that there seems only so much time left to relearn.

And now there are the contacts to reload, and seem to be giving to someone else to be able to find out who I know, and then the feeling of big brother looking over the shoulder comes along again - is this going to mean that big brother can find out all, or are the hackers and security people going to be able to make more money helping the poor public to be able to avoid big brother looking - and who is big brother, those elected politicians elected to look after our public services who seem to have a penchant for taking more control of the lives of the people, under the pretense of them knowing best .......... well here I go raving on again, this is not what I set out to do however we are now able to access the blog, and so watch this space.

A recent visit to Fiji for a wedding was a bit of an eye opener, having been to school there for a term, and having been a regular visitor until about 10 years ago. Now the number of developments, the Denerau resort, and 10 minutes away from those holiday homes of $10m+ is the island life and poverty, having been devastated by a flood in April, and now, apart from the temporary homes and villages ( which don't look too different from the other houses around the town) there is no evidence of the devastation and people are getting on with their lives, as far as I could see no calls for more or less government intervention, but I guess there would have to have been some support.

The infrastructure seems to have developed a lot since I was last there, and the resort developments, most of which were full and it wasn't school holidays. The wedding season was in full fling with about 6 over the weekend just at the Sheraton, and hotels and golf courses were full - and then just 10 minutes away the tough life of recovering from a flood which has taken away ones house for the second time in 12 months.

Markets were quiet and it is hard to see how stall holders can make a living at the prices charges for fruit and vegetables, but it is still a good place to visit to see some of the local colour, have a look by following this link to my gallery

Monday, 23 January 2012

Where is the year going

Well its into the New Year and lots of big changes for the year with Stuart Cairns Photography, trying to get to understand the blog and what the purpose is. I have always thought that having a blog was a bit of a bind and a bit of a once you start you must continue type of thing, but if one can get one's head around the real purpose, then let me know. I think I would like to talk about the interesting things I have found in photography in the last month. One of the most interesting has been my lens for my IPhone  which has been a bit of a hit, as long as I remember to take it to places where I may want it, but now I am keeping it in my car in case I have forgotten a camera.

I purchased a Cannon G12 at the end of last year as an upmarket point and shoot, deciding to stick with Cannon rather than going to my other choice which would have been the Sony Nex 5. While I was on holiday in Central Otago I carried the G12 with me most of the time and once I had taken the time to read the manual and get to understand more of the camera I was surprised at how clever it was. I am not really a technical buff but the features of the G12 for a point and shoot were magnificent and I am printing images off the G12 like this one which I like.

Lombardy Cottage
I also got into some HDR processing over the break and tried to do some work around the cottage. I must say the holiday at the cottage was one of the best - the weather was magnificent and the time with family and friends was like a Tuscan summer and one which will stay in the memory banks forever.