Monday, 23 January 2012

Where is the year going

Well its into the New Year and lots of big changes for the year with Stuart Cairns Photography, trying to get to understand the blog and what the purpose is. I have always thought that having a blog was a bit of a bind and a bit of a once you start you must continue type of thing, but if one can get one's head around the real purpose, then let me know. I think I would like to talk about the interesting things I have found in photography in the last month. One of the most interesting has been my lens for my IPhone  which has been a bit of a hit, as long as I remember to take it to places where I may want it, but now I am keeping it in my car in case I have forgotten a camera.

I purchased a Cannon G12 at the end of last year as an upmarket point and shoot, deciding to stick with Cannon rather than going to my other choice which would have been the Sony Nex 5. While I was on holiday in Central Otago I carried the G12 with me most of the time and once I had taken the time to read the manual and get to understand more of the camera I was surprised at how clever it was. I am not really a technical buff but the features of the G12 for a point and shoot were magnificent and I am printing images off the G12 like this one which I like.

Lombardy Cottage
I also got into some HDR processing over the break and tried to do some work around the cottage. I must say the holiday at the cottage was one of the best - the weather was magnificent and the time with family and friends was like a Tuscan summer and one which will stay in the memory banks forever.

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